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I once had a professor in university that taught me to see colour. Real colour. I went to art school, and it was 3rd year colour class, in the advertising program. His name was Keith Rushton, and he was in love with colour.

Listening to his describe colour was fascinating. He taught us how to really see colour, and what colour can do to a piece of work, whether it be an art piece, a logo (he's the creative mind behind a lot of well know canadian logo's, including the original RBC Bank lion logo), or a piece of clothing. He taught us what certain colours mean, and what they can do. Don't paint a bedroom red, red in a bedroom increases a person's heart rate. Right? pretty cool stuff. I would offer more colour facts, but like i said, that was 3rd year university, and that may or may not have been a long time ago. (insert wide eyed, straight face emoji here)

I love wearing black and white, it's simple, chic, and you basically can never go wrong. i mean, you can... but thats a post for another day. But, i also LOVE wearing colour. Colour is a beautiful thing, the world is better in colour. Embrace colour, love colour, and splash it on your body like it's nobody's business. 

you beautiful rainbow, you.
